
Thursday, 29 March 2012
So, after getting two written quotes... one astronomical at $3,152.05 and one not so high at $1,997.00 (both including GST) - yes, two quotes for the SAME WORK and one $1,000 less than the other.  Just goes to show that you should always get more than one quote done.  Lesson learnt.

After getting burnt by a $7,000 odd credit card bill that included moving costs and other major expenses (i.e. Ikea cupboards) we can't really afford to get all the electrical work done that we want to get done.  We opted to pay to get the oven and microwave installed in our new cupboards and to also get a power point put in the bathroom.  These are only the necessities.

Here is a quick shot of what the cupboards were looking like a few nights ago.  The shelf with the bags is the spot where the oven is going to sit and the shelf above that is where the microwave is going to sit.  The other cabinet is going to hold the pull out pantry and baskets.  Today the cabinets are actually joined together with the colour end pieces and were ready to get mounted on the wall and have the oven installed.  Can't wait to get home and see the completed picture!  Will post shortly...

We're connected to the grid!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012
as of Monday 19 March our solar electricity is connected to the grid!!!
good-bye electricity bills (we hope!)

Guess what we are doing this weekend......

Wednesday, 14 March 2012
.......it is really going to test our relationship

This picture should explain:

Solar panels getting installed today!!!

Thursday, 1 March 2012
After what seems like a month of researching being undertaken by Glen, we are finally getting our solar panels installed!!

We ended up going with SAE Group.  It's a 3.04W PV system (16 x 190 watt NESL solar panels) and a Growatt 4.2W inverter.  After the Government incentive it will cost us $5,925.

I can't wait to see the first power bill....... will of course blog about it when I do!
